Season 4 Episode 6 Now Available!


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Today is a most special day!
A very happy September 22nd to you all!! It's hard to believe that we've had Lost for 19 years.

Season 4 Episode 6 "The Dry Salvages" is now available! This episode feels like a huge seismic shift, and from here on out the pace of Lost: Circle is going to hit a fever pitch!

Next week we will enter s4 territory for good! 

Today is a perfect day to enjoy some Lost, and if you're interested in the production process I highly encourage you to check out the documentary series "815- The Story of the Lost Pilot" from Kuhpunkt Productions! I was lucky enough to help out in the post-production and I put together this teaser which you can check out below:

But why let the fun stop there? Today is a perfect day to revisit some classic Lost: Circle scenes!

First lets take a look back at the season 1 finale and the crash sequence! This sequence took about 3 months to design and create and I'm still shocked at how well it turned out. Naturally being something I worked on about 2 years ago, I would love to take another swing at it someday, but no time soon.

Next we'll take it over to the season 2 premiere and watch the crashtermath! This sequence was a ton of fun to put together and it was super fun to get so creative with the ways in which we jump around from s1 footage with all the additional tail section footage that didn't exist for the original episode.

If you've enjoyed any of my artistic endeavors, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi! 
LOST: CIRCLE is not for sale and will always be free to view for legal owners of Lost!  
